The mediocre teacher tells.
The great teacher explains.
The superior teacher demonstrates.
-William Arthur Ward
Which category do I fall into?
It's been over a month since I finished my 2 months teaching at a school near my place.
Well, it's about 20 min drive.
If you're working at your parent's, you should do what she does. Hah!
My mother, who leaves at wee hours, driving through the forest, speeding at the speed of light (OK that's an LOL).
It was torture for a sleepyhead like me..haha!
I had fun. I made friends. I learned.
The teachers were nice to me, most of them addressed themselves as 'Kak' (big sis) although I was at the same age as their daughters/sons.
That didn't really bother me, they're a bunch of friendly beings! Love 'em to bits!
Oh and did I tell you about my classes? Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4.
I was in charge of English and music.
Do you know that I suck at music?! Like really really really bad. It's a HORROR..!
I did my best and me and the kids got along quite well.
WE HAD SO MUCH FUN..! Especially during our game session and music classes.
I managed to complete the first term of the syllabus, too! Yay! Target unlocked!
Thank you, kids!
Teacher garang sikit aje, tapi dalam hati teacher ada taman, tau~
I look forward to seeing you again. Teacher miss ya!!!!
My last day at school. |